The 2020 Bikes Collection


The physical demands combined with riding abilities make enduro racing almost perfect definition of mountain biking. Nothing will get you to the top of the hill and then back but your legs, lungs and skills. Inputs collected while racing at the competitive level, where the bike and rider are exposed to the harshest conditions possible, are priceless. However the 2020 collection is a result of the knowledge we have gained not only on racing courses but on our home trails as well. You can take our word for it:
Rock Machine bikes are designed, developed and assembled right at the foot of magnificent Beskyd mountains. We know what we are doing.
More than a quarter of a century.

2020 Bikes Collection


Kola Pešek a syn I

1019 km away

U Elekrárny 306

53002 Pardubice - Čeperka

Picton Cycles

7025 km away

High St 11-13

L15 8HE Liverpool

Brattørkaia Sykkel AS

7126 km away

Brattørkaia 15AB

7010 Trondheim

Kristiansand Sykkelsenter

7341 km away

Grim Torv 3

4616 Kristiansand

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Rock Machine Výzkum&Vývoj

Vášeň. Poslání.

Chceš-li zapalovat, musíš hořet! Od prvního náčrtu tužkou, přes testování prototypu a vychytání chyb až po hotový produkt testovaný našimi inženýry v přísných podmínkách a na trailech námi a našimi ambasadory.

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